
Setting up a development environment

This section makes the assumption that you are under Mac OS X or Linux. A section for Windows might be added later.


Setting up a development environment for Services consists of installing those packages:

  1. make (installed by default on most Linuxes)
  2. the latest gcc
  3. Python 2.6 (installed by default under Debuntu, python26 under CentOS)
  4. Python 2.6 headers (python2.6-dev under Debuntu, python26-devel under CentOS)
  5. python26-profiler under Ubuntu
  6. Mercurial (mercurial in most distros).
  7. virtualenv
  8. Distribute
  9. Flake8
  10. Paste
  11. PasteDeploy
  12. MoPyTools

One simple way to install all tools from 7. to 12. in your environment is to run the Distribute bootstrap script, then install MoPyTools:

$ curl -O
$ python
$ easy_install MoPyTools

This will pull all other tools for you and install them.

Although, each project provides a Makefile that bootstraps this step and installs tools 8. to 12. automatically. So if you prefer, it should suffice to have only virtualenv and distribute installed system-wide:

$ curl -O
$ python
$ easy_install virtualenv

Setting up the Project Environment

Once you have all the above tools installed, working on a project consists of creating an isolated Python environment using Virtualenv and develop in it.

Each project provides a Makefile that bootstraps this step, so you should not have to do it manually.

For example, to create an environment for the Sync project, you can run:

$ hg clone
$ cd server-full
$ make build

The code is currently developed and tested using python2.6, and it most likely will not work with other versions of python.

The project Makefile uses the default python interpreter found on your $PATH. If your system default python version is not 2.6, you will need to create a python2.6 virtualenv to run make build. For example:

$ virtualenv --python=python2.6 ~/venvs/py26
$ source ~/venvs/py26/bin/activate
$ make build

Once the environment has been created, you can do a sanity check by running all tests:

$ make test

Configuring Flake8

Flake8 can be used from the command-line, by simply running it over one or several files:

$ flake8 syncreg/controllers/
syncreg/controllers/ 'urlunparse' imported but unused
syncreg/controllers/ 'urlparse' imported but unused
syncreg/controllers/ 'Response' imported but unused
syncreg/controllers/ 'get_url' imported but unused
syncreg/controllers/ undefined name 'environ'
syncreg/controllers/ undefined name 'config'
syncreg/controllers/ E111 indentation is not a multiple of four
syncreg/controllers/ 'UserController.change_password' is too complex (10)
syncreg/controllers/ 'UserController.do_password_reset' is too complex (11)

A simpler way to use it without having to think about it, is to configure Mercurial to call it every time you commit a change.

To use the Mercurial hook on any commit or qrefresh, change your .hgrc file like this:

commit =
qrefresh =

strict = 0

If the strict option is set to 1, any warning will block the commit. When strict is set to 0, warnings are just displayed in the standard output.

Using a non-strict mode is good enough: it will show you the issues without blocking your commits, so you can decide what should be done.

In some case, you might need to simply silent the warnings. You can do this with NOQA markers:

  • all modules that starts with a # flake8: noqa comment line are skipped.
  • all lines that ends with a “# NOQA” comment are skipped as well.