Firefox object formats

Decrypted data objects are cleartext JSON strings.

Each collection can have its own object structure. This page documents the format of each collection.

The object structure is versioned with the version metadata stored in the meta/global payload.

The following sections, named by the corresponding collection name, describe the various object formats and how they’re used. Note that object structures may change in the future and may not be backwards compatible.

In addition to these custom collection object structures, the Encrypted DataObject adds fields like id and deleted. Also, remember that there is data at the Weave Basic Object (WBO) level as well as id, modified, sortindex and payload.


Version 1

Version 1 is likely only affiliated with storage format 5 clients.

  • addonID string: Public identifier of add-on. This is the id attribute from an Addon object obtained from the AddonManager.
  • applicationID string: The application ID the add-on belongs to.
  • enabled bool: Indicates whether the add-on is enabled or disabled. true means enabled.
  • source string: Where the add-on came from. amo means it came from or a trusted site.


Version 1

One bookmark record exists for each bookmark item, where an item may actually be a folder or a separator. Each item will have a type that determines what other fields are available in the object. The following sections describe the object format for a given type.

Each bookmark item has a parentid and predecessorid to form a structure like a tree of linked-lists to provide a hierarchical ordered list of bookmarks, folders, etc.


This describes a regular bookmark that users can click to view a page.

  • title string: name of the bookmark
  • bmkUri string uri of the page to load
  • description string: extra description if provided
  • loadInSidebar boolean: true if the bookmark should load in the sidebar
  • tags array of strings: tags for the bookmark
  • keyword string: alias to activate the bookmark from the location bar
  • parentid string: GUID of the containing folder
  • parentName string: name of the containing folder
  • predecessorid string: GUID of the item before this (empty if it’s first)
  • type string: “bookmark”


Microsummaries allow pages to be summarized for viewing from the toolbar. This extends bookmark, so the usual bookmark fields apply.

  • generatorUri string: uri that generates the summary
  • staticTitle string: title to show when no summaries are available
  • title string: name of the microsummary
  • bmkUri string uri of the page to load
  • description string: extra description if provided
  • loadInSidebar boolean: true if the bookmark should load in the sidebar
  • tags array of strings: tags for the bookmark
  • keyword string: alias to activate the bookmark from the location bar
  • parentid string: GUID of the containing folder
  • parentName string: name of the containing folder
  • predecessorid string: GUID of the item before this (empty if it’s first)
  • type string: “microsummary”


Place queries are special bookmarks with a place: uri that links to an existing folder/tag. This extends bookmark, so the usual bookmark fields apply.

  • folderName string: name of the folder/tag to link to
  • queryId string (optional): identifier of the smart bookmark query
  • title string: name of the query
  • bmkUri string place: uri query
  • description string: extra description if provided
  • loadInSidebar boolean: true if the bookmark should load in the sidebar
  • tags array of strings: tags for the query
  • keyword string: alias to activate the bookmark from the location bar
  • parentid string: GUID of the containing folder
  • parentName string: name of the containing folder
  • predecessorid string: GUID of the item before this (empty if it’s first)
  • type string: “query”


Folders contain bookmark items like bookmarks and other folders.

  • title string: name of the folder
  • parentid string: GUID of the containing folder
  • parentName string: name of the containing folder
  • predecessorid string: GUID of the item before this (empty if it’s first)
  • type string: “folder”


Livemarks act like folders with a dynamic list bookmarks, e.g., a RSS feed. This extends folder, so the usual folder fields apply.

  • siteUri string: site associated with the livemark
  • feedUri string: feed to get items for the livemark
  • title string: name of the livemark
  • parentid string: GUID of the containing folder
  • parentName string: name of the containing folder
  • predecessorid string: GUID of the item before this (empty if it’s first)
  • type string: “livemark”


Separators help split sections of a folder.

  • pos string: position (index) of the separator
  • parentid string: GUID of the containing folder
  • parentName string: name of the containing folder
  • predecessorid string: GUID of the item before this (empty if it’s first)
  • type string: “separator”

Version 2

Same as engine version 1, except:

  • the predecessorid is removed from all records,
  • instead folder and livemark records have a children attribute which is an array of child GUIDs in order of their appearance in the folder:
  • children array of strings: ordered list of child GUIDs
  • the special folders ‘menu’ and ‘toolbar’ now have records that are synced, purely to maintain order within them according to their ‘’‘children’‘’ array.

Version 3


Proposal corresponding with storage format 6.

Same as version 2 except:

  • Support for microsummaries is removed
  • We use the ASCII URL

TODO document full format here since diffs are inconvenient to read.


Version 1

Client records identify a user’s one or multiple clients that are accessing the data. The existence of client records can change the behavior of the Firefox Sync client – multiple clients and/or mobile clients result in syncs to happen more frequently.

  • name string: name of the client connecting
  • type string: type of the client: “desktop” or “mobile”
  • commands array: commands to be executed upon next sync

In Protocol 1.5, client records additionally include:

  • version string: a version indicator for this client, such as “29.0a1”. Optional.
  • protocols array: an array of Sync protocol versions supported by this client, such as [“1.1”, “1.5”]. Optional.

Version 2


Proposal corresponding with storage format 6.

Each client has its own record which it is authoritative for. No other client should modify another client’s record except in the case where records are deleted.

The payload of a client record has the following fields:

  • name string: The name of the client. This is a user-facing value and may be provided by the user.
  • formfactor string: The form factor of the client. Recognized values include phone, tablet, laptop, desktop.
  • application string: String identifying the application behind the client. This should only be used for presentation purposes (e.g. choosing what logo to display).
  • version string: The version of the client. This is typically the version of the application. Again, this should only be used for presentation purposes.
  • capabilities object: Denotes the capabilities a client possesses. Keys are string capability names. Values are booleans indicating whether the capability is enabled. Modifying the capabilities of another client’s record should not change the enabled state on that client.
  • mpEnabled bool: Whether master password is enabled on the client. If master password is enabled on any client in an account, the current client should hesitate before downloading passwords if master password is not enabled locally, as this would decrease the security of the passwords locally since they wouldn’t be protected with a master password.


Version 1


Proposal corresponding with storage format 6.

This collection holds commands for clients to process. The ID of command records is randomly generated.

Command records contain an extra unencrypted field in the BSO that says which client ID they belong to. The value is the hash of the client ID with the commands engine salt.

Command data is an object with the following fields:

  • receiverID string: Client ID of the client that should receive the command. This is duplicated inside the payload so it can be verified by the HMAC.
  • senderID string: Client ID of the client that sent the command.
  • created number: Integer seconds since Unix epoch that command was created.
  • action string: The action to be performed by the command. Each command has its own name that uniquely identifies it. It is recommended that actions be namespaced using colon-delimited notation. Sync’s commands are all prefixed with sync:. e.g. sync:wipe. If a command is versioned, the name is the appropriate place to convey that versioning.
  • data object: Additional data associated with command. This is dependent on the specific command type being issued.


Form data is used to give suggestions for autocomplete for a HTML text input form. One record is created for each form entry.

  • name string: name of the HTML input field
  • value string: value to suggest for the input


Version 1

Every page a user visits generates a history item/page. One history (page) per record.

  • histUri string: uri of the page
  • title string: title of the page
  • visits array of objects: a number of how and when the page was visited
  • date integer: datetime of the visit
  • type integer: transition type of the visit

Version 2


Proposal corresponding with storage format 6.

History visits are now stored as a timeline/stream of visits. The historical information for a particular site/URL is spread out of N>=1 records.

Payloads have the structure:

  "items": [
    "uri": "",
    "title": "Mozilla",
    "visits": {
      1: [1340757179.82, 184],
      2: [1340341244.31, 12, 4]

The bulk of the payload is a list of history items. Each item is both a place and a set of visits.

  • uri string: URI of the page that was visited.
  • title string: Title of the page that was visited.
  • visits object: Mapping of visit type to visit times.

The keys in visits define the transition type for the visit. They can be one of the following:

  • 1: A link was followed.
  • 2: The URL was typed by the user.
  • 3: The user followed a bookmark.
  • 4: Some inner content was loaded.
  • 5: A permanent redirect was followed.
  • 6: A temporary redirect was followed.
  • 7: The URL was downloaded.
  • 8: User follows a link that was in a frame.

These correspond to nsINavHistoryService’s transition type constants <>.

The values for each visit type are arrays which encode the visit time. The initial array element is the wall time of the first visit being recorded in seconds since epoch, typically with millisecond resolution. Each subsequent value is the number of seconds elapsed since the previous visit. The values:

[100000000.000, 10.100, 5.200]

Correspond to the times:


The use of deltas to represent times is to minimize the serialized size of visits.


Saved passwords help users get back into websites that require a login such as HTML input/password fields or HTTP auth.

  • hostname string: hostname that password is applicable at
  • formSubmitURL string: submission url (GET/POST url set by <form>)
  • httpRealm string: the HTTP Realm for which the login is valid. if not provided by the server, the value is the same as hostname
  • username string: username to log in as
  • password string: password for the username
  • usernameField string: HTML field name of the username
  • passwordField string: HTML field name of the password


Version 1

Some preferences used by Firefox will be synced to other clients. There is only one record for preferences with a GUID “preferences”.

  • value array of objects: each object describes a preference entry
  • name string: full name of the preference
  • type string: the type of preference (int, string, boolean)
  • value depends on type: value of the preference

Version 2

There is only one record for preferences, using nsIXULAppInfo.ID as the GUID. Custom preferences can be synced by following these instructions.

  • value object containing name and value of the preferences.

Note: The preferences that determine which preferences are synced are now included as well.


Version 1

Tabs describe the opened tabs on a given client to provide functionality like get-up-n-go. Each client will provide one record.

  • clientName string: name of the client providing these tabs
  • tabs array of objects: each object describes a tab
  • title string: title of the current page
  • urlHistory array of strings: page urls in the tab’s history
  • icon string: favicon uri of the tab
  • lastUsed string or integer: string representation of Unix epoch (in seconds) at which the tab was last accessed. Or the integer 0. Your code should accept either. This is ghastly; we apologize.

Version 2


Proposal corresponding with storage format 6.

In version 2, each tab is represented by its own record. (This is a change from version 1.)

The payload of the BSO is a JSON object containing the following fields:

  • clientID string: ID of the client this tab originated on.
  • title string: Title of page that is active in the tab.
  • history array of strings: URLs in this tab’s history. Initial element is the current URL. Subsequent URLs were previously visited URLs.
  • lastUsed number: Time in seconds since Unix epoch that tab was last active.
  • icon string: Base64 encoded favicon image.
  • groupName string: Name of tab group this tab is associated with. This is usually used for presentation purposes and is typically the same string across all records in a particular tab group.